Play It Forward

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We're fundraising for The BUSY Schools

Did you know, 1 in 5 Australian students are disengaged with their education? That means, they have disengaged from their schooling and are at risk of not completing Year 12. That's 20% of all school students...

Many of these young people have experienced bullying or have mental health challenges, problems at home or a variety of reasons that have made attending traditional school difficult. 

So, we're hitting the court to show our support for these students. Our team's aim is to shoot hoops and sink baskets as many times as we can during the month of June. Can you help, or do you want to join us?


Thank you to our Sponsors


Kerry Gibb






Kerry Gibb


Alexis Pidcock

Well done Kerry 😄


Anna Morgan

Amazing work Kerry! You are an inspiration and the students are lucky to have you on board.


Grace Howe


Zaak Wheaton

Happy to support you with a gr8 cause Kerry!


Mandy Harrald

You inspire me to help and I just want to pay money to see 💕


Efthimia Voulcaris

Can't wait to miss hoops with you 🤣


Tiffany Rose

You're always such an inspiration .... though in this case I'm thinking you'll be a source of more hilarity than usual. I'll be sure to pack my inhaler for my laughing fits. Can't wait. xo


Sally Murphy


Efthimia Voulcaris


Grace Howe


Grace Howe


Tobey Knight


Mia Lahey Rudd

Wonderful cause Sal, enjoy the experience.



Good on you Sally. Such a great cause x



Go Sal xo